Wednesday 27 November 2013

Get specific properties with Get-ADUser and exporting to CSV

At some point we all need to obtain specific data of users to further analyze.
With this PS script you can get a specific data from a certain OU and export to csv.

Get-ADUser -Filter * -searchbase 'ou=your_ou_name,dc=yourdomain,dc=yourdomain' -Properties * | Select-Object Name, Pager | export-CSVresults.csv -NoTypeInformation -Encoding UTF8

With this script I can get the user name and the pager number on a CSV.
You can find what the objects you can use by using: Get-ADUser -Filter * -Properties *
Be aware it will display all users. So Ctrl+c in the middle of and search for your desired field. Or restrict your search base.
The file will appear on the path displayed on the powershell cmd when you open it.